G. Finzi, A. Visioli, M. Volta, "Analisi e controllo di sistemi dinamici. Un laboratorio informatico", McGraw-Hill Libri Italia, Milano, 1996 (in italian).
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "Logica fuzzy. Teoria e applicazioni", FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2000 (in Italian).
A. Visioli, Practical PID Control, Springer, London (UK), 2006.
M. Sami Fadali, A. Visioli, Digital Control Engineering - Analysis and Design, Elsevier, Burlington (MA), 2009.
A. Visioli, Q. C. Zhong, Control of Integral Processes with Dead Time, Springer, London (UK), 2010.
R. Vilanova, A. Visioli (eds.), PID Control in the Third Millennium: Lessons Learned and New Approaches, Springer, London (UK), 2012.
M. Sami Fadali, A. Visioli, Digital Control Engineering - Analysis and Design (2nd Edition), Elsevier, Burlington (MA), 2012.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, Advances in Robust Fractional Control, Springer, London (UK), 2014.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, Laboratorio di Automatica – Modellazione, Osservazione e Controllo di un Sistema Meccatronico, Cartolibreria Snoopy, Brescia, 2014 (in Italian).
M. Sami Fadali, A. Visioli, Digital Control Engineering - Analysis and Design (3rd Edition), Elsevier, Burlington (MA), 2019.
Book chapters
A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Experimental Comparison of Neural Networks Based Controllers for Industrial Robots" in Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Springer-Verlag, pp. 192-204, 1999.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "An interval analysis based algorithm for computing the stability margins of uncertain systems", in Numerical Methods and Applications, Springer-Verlag, pp. 246-254, 2003.
A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, "Friction compensation in hybrid force/velocity control for contour tracking tasks" in Industrial Robotics - Theory, Modelling and Control, pro literatur Verlag, pp. 875-894, 2007.
J. L. Guzmán, T. Hägglund, A. Visioli, "Feedforward compensation for PID control loops", in PID Control in the Third Millennium: Lessons Learned and New Approaches, Springer, London (UK), pp. 207-234, 2012.
J. Sánchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Event-based PID control", in PID Control in the Third Millennium: Lessons Learned and New Approaches, Springer, London (UK), 495-526, 2012.
S. Dormido, A. Visioli, “PID Control”, in Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, Springer, London (UK), 2015.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Send-on-Delta PI Control”, in Asynchronous Control for Network Systems, Springer, London (UK), 2015.
L. Merigo, N. Latronico, F. Padula, M. Paltenghi, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “Optimization-based design of closed-loop control of anesthesia”, in Automated Drug Delivery in Anesthesia, Associated Press, 2020.
International journals
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Global minimum-time trajectory planning of mechanical manipulators using interval analysis", International Journal of Control, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 631-652, 1998.
A. Visioli, "Fuzzy logic based set-point weight tuning of PID controllers", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp.587-592, 1999.
A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Experimental comparison of decentralized controllers for industrial robots", Robotica, Vol. 17, pp. 601-612, 1999.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Global minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 140-149, 2000.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time system inversion based motion planning for residual vibration reduction", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 12-22, 2000.
A. Visioli, "Trajectory planning of robot manipulators by using algebraic and trigonometric splines", Robotica, Vol. 18, pp. 611-631, 2000.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Robust set-point constrained regulation via dynamic inversion", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 11, pp. 1-22, 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Optimal noncausal set-point regulation of scalar systems" Automatica, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 121-127, 2001.
A. Visioli, "Tuning of PID controllers with fuzzy logic", IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 148, No. 1, pp. 1-8, 2001.
A. Visioli, "Optimal tuning of PID controllers for integral and unstable processes", IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 148, No. 2, pp. 180-184, 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Optimal inversion-based control for the set-point regulation of nonminimum-phase uncertain scalar systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. 1654-1659, 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Point-to-point motion planning for servosystems with elastic transmission via optimal dynamic inversion", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 123, pp. 733-736, 2001.
A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "On the trajectory tracking control of industrial SCARA robot manipulators", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 224-232, 2002.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Optimal dynamic inversion based control of an overhead crane", IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 149, No. 5, pp. 405-411, 2002.
A. Visioli, "Modified anti-windup scheme for PID controllers", IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 150, No. 1, pp. 49-54, 2003.
A. Visioli, "Time-optimal Plug&Control for integrating and FOPDT processes", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 195-202, 2003.
A. Visioli, A. Piazzi, "Improving set-point following performance of industrial controllers with a fast dynamic inversion algorithm", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 42, pp. 1357-1362, 2003.
E. Dyllong, A. Visioli, "Planning and real-time modifications of a trajectory using spline techniques", Robotica, Vol. 21, pp. 475-482, 2003.
A. Visioli, "A new design for a PID plus feedforward controller", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 455-461, 2004.
A. Visioli, "Book review: From plant data to process control - Ideas for process identification and PID design, by L. Wang and W. R. Cluett", Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 793-794, 2004.
E. L. Secco, A. Visioli, G. Magenes, "Minimum jerk motion planning for a prosthetic finger”, Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 361-368, 2004.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Using stable input-output inversion for minimum-time feedforward constrained regulation of scalar systems", Automatica, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 305-313, 2005.
A. Visioli, "Design and tuning of a ratio controller", Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 485-497, 2005.
A. Visioli, "A new ratio control architecture", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 44, No. 13, pp. 4617-4624, 2005.
F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Friction compensation in hybrid force/velocity control of industrial manipulators", IEEE Transactions of Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 604-613, 2006.
F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, "On the use of velocity feedback in hybrid force/velocity control of industrial manipulators", Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 1045-1055, 2006.
A. Visioli, "A method for Proportional-Integral controllers tuning assessment", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 2741-2747, 2006.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A noncausal approach for PID Control", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 831-843, 2006.
G. Ziliani, A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Gain scheduling for hybrid force/velocity control in contour tracking task", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 367-374, 2006.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Combining H-infinity Control and Dynamic Inversion for Robust Constrained Set-Point Regulation", International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Vol. 6, No. S07, pp. 63-68, 2007.
A. Visioli, "Experimental evaluation of a time-optimal Plug&Control strategy", ISA Transactions, Vol. 46, pp. 519-525, 2007.
G. Ziliani, A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "A mechatronic approach for robotic deburring", Mechatronics, Vol. 17, pp. 431-441, 2007.
A. Visioli, A. Piazzi, "A toolbox for input-output system inversion", International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 375-389, 2007.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "Performance assessment and retuning of PID controllers", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 2616-2623, 2009.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "An optimal feedforward control design for the set-point following of MIMO processes", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 978-984, 2009.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time feedforward technique for PID control", IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 1341-1350, 2009.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "An industrial application of a performance assessment and retuning technique for PI controllers", ISA Transactions, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 244-248, 2010.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "Performance assessment and retuning of PID controllers for integral processes", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 261-269, 2010.
O. Arrieta, A. Visioli, R. Vilanova, "PID autotuning for weighted servo/regulation control operation", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 472-480, 2010.
A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, "Iterative learning hybrid force/velocity control for contour tracking", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 388-393, 2010.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, "Tuning rules for optimal PID and fractional-order PID controllers", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 21, pp. 69-81, 2011.
J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, "A two-degree-of-freedom PI controller based on events", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 21, pp. 639-651, 2011.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "A simultaneous closed-loop automatic tuning method for cascade controllers", IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 263-270, 2011.
O. Arrieta, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, "PID tuning for servo/regulation control operation for unstable and integrating processes", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 3327-3334, 2011.
V. Perdereau, G. Legnani, V. Pasqui, E. Sardini, A. Visioli, "International master program on mechatronic systems for rehabilitation", Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systems, Vol. 10, 1006, 2011.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, "On the stabilizing PID controllers for integral processes", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 494-499, 2012.
M. Beschi, A. Visioli, M. Berenguel, L. Yebra, "Constrained temperature control of a solar furnace", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technologies, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 1263-1274, 2012.
S. Dormido, E. Pisoni, A. Visioli, “Interactive tools for designing fractional-order PID controllers”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information, and Control, Vol. 8, No. 7(A), pp. 4579-4590, 2012.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Optimal tuning rules for PID and fractional-order PID controllers for integral and unstable processes”, IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 776-786, 2012.
A. Visioli, “Research trends for PID controllers”, Acta Polytechnica, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 144-150, 2012.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Characterization of symmetric send-on-delta PI controllers”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 1930-1945, 2012.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Set-point weight tuning rules for fractional-order PID controllers”, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 678-690, 2013.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, L. Yebra, S. Dormido, “Characterization of limit cycles for self-regulating and integral processes with PI control and send-on-delta sampling”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 826-838, 2013.
F. Padula, S. Alcantara, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “H-infinity control of fractional linear systems”, Automatica, Vol. 49, No. 17, pp. 2276-2280, 2013.
M. Beschi, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, L. Yebra , “Constrained control strategies for disturbance rejection in a solar furnace”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 21, No.10, pp. 1410-1421, 2013.
M. Beschi, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, J. L. Guzman, L. Yebra, “Implementation of feedback linearization GPC control for a solar furnace”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 23, No. 10, pp. 1545-1554, 2013.
J. E. Normey-Rico, R. Sartori, M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “An automatic tuning methodology for a unified dead-time compensator”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 27, pp. 11-22, 2014.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Tuning of symmetric send-on-delta PI controllers”, IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 248-259, 2014.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Automatic tuning of feedforward controllers for disturbance rejection”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 2764-2770, 2014.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, L. Yebra, “Event-based PI plus feedforward control strategies for a distributed solar collector field”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technologies, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 1615-1622, 2014.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Two degree-of-freedom design for a send-on-delta sampling PI control strategy”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 30, pp. 55-66, 2014.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Inversion-based feedforward and reference signal design for fractional constrained control systems”, Automatica, Vol.50, No. 8, pp. 2169-2178, 2014.
F. Padula, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “H-infinity optimization based fractional-order PID controllers design”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 24, pp. 3009-3026, 2014.
J. L. Guzman, T. Hagglund, M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Performance indices for feedforward control”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 26, pp. 26-34, 2015.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Deterministic performance assessment and retuning of industrial controllers based on routine operating data: applications”, Processes, Vol. 3, pp. 113-137, 2015.
M. Beschi, D. Colombo, P. Grande, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “An Hardware-In-the-Loop tool for the design of complex mechanical systems controllers”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 783, pp. 43-56, 2015.
J. Saenz, J. Chacón, L. de la Torre, A. Visioli, S. Dormido. “Open and Low-Cost Virtual and Remote Labs on Control Engineering”, IEEE Access, Vol. 3, pp. 805-814, 2015.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “A closed-loop automatic tuning technique for an event-based PI controller”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 54, No. 24, pp. 6362-6370, 2015.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “On the fragility of fractional-order PID controllers for FOPDT processes”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 60, pp. 228-243, 2016.
M. Beschi, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, L. J. Yebra, “On reduction of control effort in feedback linearization GPC strategy applied to a solar furnace”, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 37, pp. 521-536, 2016.
F. Padula, C. Ionescu, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, G. Vivacqua, “Inversion-based propofol dosing for intravenous induction of hypnosis”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 39, pp. 481-494, 2016.
D. Gorni, M. Castilla, A. Visioli, “An efficient modelling for temperature control of residential buildings”, Building and Environment, Vol. 103, pp. 86-98, 2016.
Y. Chen, D. Xue, A. Visioli, “Guest editorial for special issue on fractional order systems and controls”, IEEE/CCA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 3, pp. 255-256, 2016.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Robust combined feedback/feedforward control for fractional FOPDT systems”, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 37, pp. 902-921, 2016.
M. Beschi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Fractional robust PID control of a solar furnace”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 56, pp. 190-199, 2016.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Set-point filter design for a two-degree-of-freedom fractional control system”, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 3, pp. 451-462, 2016.
A. Pawlowski, M. Beschi, J. L. Guzmán, A. Visioli, M. Berenguel, S. Dormido, “Application of SSOD-PI and PI-SSOD event-based controllers to greenhouse climatic control”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 65, pp. 525-536, 2016.
R. D. O. Pereira, M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, J. E. Normey-Rico, B. C. Torrico, “Implementation and test of a new autotuning method for PID controllers of TITO processes”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 58, pp. 171-186, 2017.
P. Lino, G. Maione, F. Padula, S. Stasi, A. Visioli, “Synthesis of fractional-order PI controllers and fractional-order filters for industrial electrical drives”, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 4, pp. 58-69, 2017 .
A. Ruiz, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, J. E. Jimenez, “A Unified Event-based Control Approach for FOPTD and IPTD Processes Based on the Filtered Smith Predictor”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 354, pp. 1239-1264, 2017.
H. S. Sanchez, F. Padula, A. Visioli, R. Vilanova, “Tuning rules for robust FOPID controllers based on multi-objective optimization with FOPDT models”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 66, pp. 344-361, 2017.
F. Padula, C. Ionescu, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, G. Vivacqua, “Optimized PID control of depth of hypnosis in anesthesia”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 144, pp. 21-35, 2017.
M. Beschi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “The generalized isodamping approach for robust fractional PID controllers design”, International Journal of Control, Vol. 90, pp. 1157-1164, 2017.
H. S. Sanchez, A. Visioli, R. Vilanova, “Optimal Nash tuning for robust PID controllers”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 354, pp. 3945-3970, 2017.
L. Merigo, M. Beschi, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Event-based control of depth of hypnosis in anesthesia”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 147, pp. 63-83, 2017.
L. Merigo, M. Beschi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “A noise-filtering event generator for PIDPlus controllers”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 355, pp. 774-802, 2018.
E. Villagrossi, L. Simoni, M. Beschi, N. Pedrocchi, A. Marini, L. Molinari Tosatti, A. Visioli, “A virtual force sensor for interaction tasks with conventional industrial robots”, Mechatronics, Vol. 50, pp. 78-86, 2018.
L. Merigo, F. Padula, A. Pawlowski, S. Dormido, J. L. Guzmán, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “A model-based control scheme for depth of hypnosis in anesthesia”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 42, pp. 216-229, 2018.
J. Sanchez, M. Guinaldo, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Identification of process transfer function parameters in event-based PI control loops”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 75, pp. 157-171, 2018.
J. Sanchez, M. Guinaldo, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Enhanced event-based identification procedure for process control”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 57, pp. 7218-7231, 2018.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, N. Pedrocchi, A. Visioli, “Viability and feasibility of constrined kinematic control of manipulators”, Robotics, Vol. 7, 2018.
M. Giacomelli, F. Padula, L. Simoni, A. Visioli, “Simplified input-output inversion control of a double pendulum overhead crane for residual oscillations reduction”, Mechatronics, Vol.56, pp. 37-47, 2018.
D. Gorni, A. Visioli, “Genetic algorithms based reference signal determination for temperature control of residential buildings”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, 2129, 2018.
L. Merigo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Optimized PID control of propofol and remifentanil coadministration for general anesthesia”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 72, pp. 194-212, 2019.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, N. Pedrocchi, A. Visioli, “Predictive inverse kinematics for redundant manipulators with task scaling and kinematic constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 35, pp. 278-285, 2019.
L. Simoni, M. Beschi, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, “Modelling the temperature in joint friction of industrial manipulators”, Robotica, Vol. 37, pp. 906-927, 2019.
E. Rodríguez-Miranda, M. Beschi, J. L. Guzmán, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, “Daytime/nighttime event-based PI control for the pH of a microalgae raceway reactor”, Processes, Vol. 9, 247, 2019.
J. Sanchez, M. Guinaldo, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Identification and tuning methods for PI control systems based on Symmetric Send-On-Delta sampling”, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Vol. 17, pp. 2784-2795, 2019.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, C. Guarino Lo Bianco, A. Visioli, “Predictive Joint Trajectory Scaling for Manipulators with Kinodynamic Constraints” Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 95, n. 104264, 2020.
M. Castilla, C. Bordons, A. Visioli, “Event-based State-Space Model Predictive Control of a renewable hydrogen-based microgrid for office power demand profiles”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 450, n. 227670, 2020.
L. Simoni, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, K. J. Astrom, “Inclusion of the dwell time effect in the LuGre friction model”, Mechatronics, Vol. 66, n. 102345, 2020.
J. Sanchez, M. Guinaldo, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Validity of continuous tuning rules in event-based PI controllers using symmetric send-on-delta sampling: An experimental approach”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 139, n. 106878, 2020.
J. A. Rossiter, A. Serbezov, A. Visioli, K. Záková, M. Huba, “A survey of international views on a first course in systems and control for engineering undergraduates”, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, Vol. 13, n. 100092, 2020.
E. Miranda Rodriguez, J. L. Guzman, M. Berenguel, F. G. Acien, A. Visioli, “Diurnal and nocturnal pH control in microalgae raceway reactors by combining classical and event-based control approaches”, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 82, pp. 1155-1165, 2020.
A. Visioli, “Maximizing the impact of control at all levels”, Frontiers in Control Engineering, Vol. 1, n. 602469, 2020.
L. Merigo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Event-based control tuning of propofol and remifentanil coadministration for general anesthesia”, IET Proceedings – Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 14, pp. 2995-3008, 2020.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, N. Pedrocchi, “A real-time trajectory planning method for enhanced path-tracking performance of serial manipulators”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 156, n. 104152, 2021.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, L. Merigo, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Performance evaluation of an optimized controller for propofol and remifentanil coadministration in general anesthesia”, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, Vol. 15, n. 100121, 2021.
E. Miranda Rodriguez, F. G. Acien, J. L. Guzman, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, “A new model to analyze the temperature effect on the microalgae performance at large scale raceway reactors”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Vol. 118, pp. 877-889. 2021.
M. Schiavo, L. Consolini, M. Laurini, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Optimized feedforward control of propofol for induction of hypnosis in general anesthesia”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 66, n. 102476, 2021.
E. Miranda Rodriguez, J. L. Guzman, F. G. Acien, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, “Indirect regulation of temperature in raceway reactors by optimal management of culture depth”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Vol. 118, pp. 1186-1198, 2021.
A. Abba et al., “The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33, n. 037122, 2021.
A. Visioli, Book review of “PID control system design and automatic tuning using Matlab/Simulink” by L. Wang, Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 99-100, 2021.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Individualized PID tuning for maintenance of general anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil coadministration”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 109, pp. 74-82, 2022.
C. Guarino Lo Bianco, M. Faroni, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, “A predictive technique for the real-time trajectory scaling under high-order constraints”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 315-326, 2022.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Linear MPC for anesthesia process with external predictor”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 161, n. 107747, 2022.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “A modified PID-based control scheme for Depth-of-Hypnosis control: design and experimental results”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 219, n. 106763, 2022.
J. González Hernández, E. Miranda Rodríguez, J. L. Guzmán Sánchez, F. G. Acién Fernández, A. Visioli, “Optimización de temperatura en reactores raceway para la producción de microalgas mediante regulación de nivel”, Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial, Vol. 19, pp. 164-173, 2022.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Model predictive control using MISO approach for drug co-administration in anesthesia”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 117, pp. 98-111, 2022.
E. Miranda Rodríguez, A. Sanchez-Zurano, J. L. Guzmán, F. G. Acién, A. Visioli, “A seasonal simulation approach for culture depth influence on the temperature for different characterized microalgae strains”, Biotechnology Journal, Vol. 17, No. 9, n. 2100489, 2022.
H. Meneses, O. Arrieta, F. Padula, A. Visioli, R. Vilanova, “FOPI/FOPID tuning rule based on a fractional order model of the process”, Fractal and Fractional, Vol. 6, No. 9, n. 478, 2022.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Experimental results of an event-based PID control system for propofol and remifentanil coadministration”, Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 131, n. 105384, 2023.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Event-based MPC for propofol administration in anesthesia”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 206, n. 107289, 2023.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Experimental results of an MPC strategy for total intravenous anesthesia”, IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 32743-32751, 2023.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Optimized tuning rules for PI controllers with selected robustness”, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 25, pp. 1731-1744, 2023.
L. Ranghetti, D. Rivera, P. Guo, A. Visioli, J. S. Savage, D. Symons Downs, “A control-based observer approach for estimating energy intake during pregnancy”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 5105-5127, 2023.
A. Visioli, “Editorial: Insights in control and automation systems”, Frontiers in Control Engineering, Vol. 4, no. 122846, 2023.
J. A. Rossiter, C. G. Cassandras, J. Hespanha, S. Dormido, L. de la Torre, G. Ranade, A. Visioli, J. Hedengren, R. M. Murray, P. Antsaklis, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, T. Parisini, “Control education for societal-scale challenges: A community roadmap”, Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 55, pp. 1-17, 2023.
N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico. F. Padula, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “On the use of FOPID controllers for maintenance phase of general anesthesia”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 13, n. 7381, 2023.
A. Visioli, J. Sanchez-Moreno, “A relay-feedback automatic tuning methodology of PIDA controllers for high-order processes”, International Journal of Control, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 51-58, 2024 .
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “A general design methodology for fractional cascade control systems”, IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 11451-11457, 2024.
E. Aranda-Escolastico, L. J. Colombo, M. Guinaldo, A. Visioli, “Event-triggered control of port-Hamiltonian systems under time-delay communication”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 175-180, 2024.
N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “PK/PD model based design of PID control for closed-loop anesthesia”, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, Vol. 27, n. 100247, 2024.
J.-E. S. Kenny, J. K. Eibl, C. Horner, D. Arcozzi, F. Bonomi, V. Fanelli, A. Visioli, A. Goffi, S. Piva, “Hemodynamic insights from simultaneous common carotid and internal jugular doppler ultrasonography in a patient with hypoxemia and multi-organ dysfunction”, Chest, Vol. 165, No. 4, pp. e107-e112, 2024.
M. Milanesi, L. Consolini, G. Di Credico, N. Latronico, M. Laurini, M. Paltenghi, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “Human-imitating Control of Depth of Hypnosis Combining MPC and Event-based PID Strategies”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 580-585, 2024.
J. Nwoke, M. Milanesi, J. Viola, Y. Chen, A. Visioli, “A reduced-order digital twin FPGA-based implementation with self-awareness capabilities for power electronics applications”, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, Vol. 8, pp. 493-505, 2024.
M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Experimental evaluation of analgesia with an event-based PID control strategy for anesthesia”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 1427-1432, 2024.
L. Stapleton, F.-Y. Wang, M. Netto, Q.-S. Jia, A. Visioli, P. Kopacek, “Shaping the future of advanced automation and control systems for society - Strategic directions and multidisciplinary collaborations of IFAC’s Social Systems Coordinating Committee”, Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 58, n. 100967, 2024.
J. L. Guzman, K. Zakova, I. Craig, T. Hagglund, D. E. Rivera, J. Normey-Rico, P. Moura-Oliveira, L. Wang, A. Serbezov, T. Sato, A. Visioli, “An international overview of teaching control systems during COVID-19 pandemic”, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 1162-1180, 2024.
Y. Wahlquist, N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, K. Soltesz, “Kalman filter soft sensor to handle signal quality loss in closed-loop controlled anesthesia”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 104, n. 107506, 2025.
M. Schiavo, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, N. Latronico, “Clinical performance of a bispectral index controlled closed-loop administration system for simultaneous administration of propofol and remifentanil”, Anesthesia & Analgesia, accepted for publication.
Italian journals
A. Visioli, M. Veronesi, "Nuove funzionalita' per controllori PID" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 149-155, Oct. 1999.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "Soluzioni per il controllo di rapporto" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 89-93, May 2004.
F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, "Controllo ibrido forza/velocità in presenza di elasticità concentrate" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 86-91, Jul.-Aug. 2004.
A. Visioli, F. Jatta, A. Omodei, G. Legnani, "Iterative Learning Control per un robot industriale" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 112-118, Sep. 2004.
A. Visioli, "Valutazione della taratura di controllori PI per processi autoregolanti" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 90-97, Apr. 2005.
G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, N. Pedrocchi, A. Visioli, "Progetto meccatronico per la sbavatura robotizzata di manufatti dalla geometria incognita" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 80-86, Jan. 2006.
A. Visioli, "Valutazione delle prestazioni di regolatori industriali" (in italian), Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 115-121, Nov. 2006.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “L’importanza di portarsi avanti”, Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 82-87, Mag. 2014.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Regolazione: tenere conto delle interazioni”, Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 74-81, Ott. 2015.
L. Merigo, M. Beschi, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Controllo a eventi della somministrazione di Propofol e Remifentanil durante anestesia clinica”, Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 88-91, Nov.-Dic. 2017.
International conferences
I. P. W. Sillitoe, D.J. Mulvaney, A. Visioli, "The classification of ultrasonic signals using multistage radial basis function neural networks", IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Las Vegas (USA), pp. 135-139, Nov. 1995.
I. P. W. Sillitoe, A. Visioli, F. Zanichelli, S. Caselli, "Experiments in the piece-wise linear approximation of ultrasonic echoes for object recognition in manipulation tasks", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis (USA), pp. 353-359, May 1996.
S. Caselli, I. Sillitoe, A. Visioli, F. Zanichelli, "Object classification for robot manipulation tasks based on learning of ultrasonic echoes", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Osaka (J), pp. 260-267, Nov. 1996.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A global optimization approach to trajectory planning for industrial robots", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Grenoble (F), pp. 1553-1559, Sep. 1997.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "An interval algorithm for minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators", IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego (USA), pp. 1924-1927, Dec. 1997.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A cutting-plane algorithm for minimum-time trajectory planning of industrial robots", IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego (USA), pp. 1216-1218, Dec. 1997.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time open-loop smooth control for point-to-point motion in vibratory systems", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven (B), pp. 946-951, May 1998,
A. Visioli, G. Finzi, "PID tuning with fuzzy set-point weighting", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Trieste (I), pp. 638-642, Sep. 1998.
G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Experimental valuation of decentralized controllers for industrial robot manipulators", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Trieste (I), pp. 567-571, Sep. 1998.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A system inversion approach to robust set-point regulation" IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa (USA), pp. 3849-3854, Dec. 1998.
A. Visioli, B. Zappa, G. Legnani, "Decentralized controllers for SCARA robot trajectory tracking: an experimental comparison", 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 239-244, May 1999.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Optimal system inversion based motion planning for servosystems with elastic transmission", 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 28-33, May 1999.
P. Nigrowsky, A. Visioli, P.Turner, "Practical evaluation of V.S.C. with varying bounds of robot manipulators", 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Istanbul (Turkey), pp. 62-67, May 1999.
A. Visioli, "Comparison of fuzzy logic based tuning methods for PID controllers", European Control Conference, Karlsruhe (D), Aug. 1999.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Worst-case optimal noncausal motion planning for residual vibration reduction", European Control Conference, Karlsruhe (D), Aug. 1999.
A. Visioli, "Adaptive tuning of fuzzy set-point weighting for PID controllers", IFAC Workshop on Digital Control - Past, present and future of PID control, Terrassa (Spain), pp. 513-518, April 2000.
A. Visioli, "Fuzzy logic based tuning of PID controllers for plants with under-damped response", IFAC Workshop on Digital Control - Past, present and future of PID control, Terrassa (Spain), pp. 666-671, April 2000.
G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Simplified but accurate identification techniques for model based controllers of industrial manipulators", 31st International Symposium on Robotics, Montrèal (C), pp. 277-282, May 2000.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "System inversion based control of an overhead crane", IFAC Conference on Control System Design, Bratislava (Slovak Republic), pp. 185-190, June 2000.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "On the set-point regulation of uncertain nonminimum-phase scalar systems", IFAC Conference on Robust Control Design, Prague (Czech Republic), June 2000.
A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Experiments on Model Identification and Control of an Industrial Robot Manipulator", IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Vienna (A), September 2000.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Noncausal robust set-point regulation of nonminimum-phase scalar systems" IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, Sidney (AUS), pp. 4098-4103, December 2000.
A. Visioli, R. Adamini, G. Legnani, "Adaptive friction compensation for industrial robot control", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Como (I), pp. 557-582, July 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "End-point control of a flexible-link via optimal dynamic inversion", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Como (I), pp. 936-941, July 2001.
E. L. Secco, A. Visioli, G. Magenes, "A minimum jerk approach for the motion planning of a prosthetic finger", Eighteenth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Zurich (CH), July 2001.
A. Visioli, L. Zavanella, "Product innovation and manufacturing processes: a fuzzy logic approach", International Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, Aalborg (DK), pp. 63-73, August 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "LQ-based set-point constrained regulation of uncertain systems via dynamic inversion", European Control Conference, Porto (P), pp. 3481-3485, September 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A dynamic inversion approach to robust set-point regulation of TITO systems", European Control Conference, Porto (P), pp. 2676-2681, September 2001.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Flexible-link end-point control based on exact dynamic inversion: experimental results", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New York, November 2001.
F. Jatta, R. Adamini, A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Hybrid force/velocity robot contour tracking: an experimental analysis of friction compensation strategies", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington (USA), pp. 1723-1728, May 2002.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Robust multivariable set-point regulation via stable dynamic inversion", 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona (E), July 2002.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Improved PI control via dynamic inversion", 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona (E), July 2002.
A. Visioli, "Improving the load disturbance rejection performances of IMC-tuned PID controllers", 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona (E), July 2002.
M. Indri, G. Calafiore, G. Legnani, F. Jatta, A. Visioli, "Optimized dynamic calibration of a SCARA robot", 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona (E), July 2002.
C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, A. Visioli, "On the fault detection and isolation of industrial robot manipulators", 7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Wroclaw (Poland), pp. 473-478, September 2003.
F. Jatta, E. Carpanzano, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "A real time framework for PC-based robot control under the QNX4 operating system", 7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Wroclaw (Poland), pp. 649-654, September 2003.
A. Visioli, "A new ratio control architecture", European Control Conference, Cambridge (UK), September 2003.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A toolbox for computing the stability margin of uncertain systems", European Control Conference, Cambridge (UK), September 2003.
F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Hybrid force/velocity control of industrial manipulators with elastic transmissions", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas (USA), pp. 3276-3281, October 2003.
F. Jatta, A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Adaptive friction compensation for hybrid force/velocity robot contour tracking", The 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, 2004.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A noncausal approach for the improvement of PID control", American Control Conference, Boston (USA), pp. 4022-4027, 2004.
A. Visioli, M. Veronesi, "A ratio control architecture for set-point following and load disturbance rejection", 7th International Symposium and Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS), Cambridge (USA), 2004
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, L. Ciobani, "A toolbox for dynamic inversion based control systems design", IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise Island (The Bahamas), pp. 1289-1294, December 2004.
G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "A mechatronic design for robotic deburring", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Dubrovnik (HR), pp. 1575-1580, June 2005.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "On the use of dynamic inversion for the improvement of PID control", 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prague (CZ), July 2005.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Pareto optimal feedforward constrained regulation of MIMO linear systems", 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prague (CZ), July 2005.
G. Ziliani, F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "A gain-scheduling approach for hybrid force/velocity controlled robot contour tracking", 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prague (CZ), July 2005.
A. Visioli, "Assessment of tuning of PI controllers for self-regulating processes", 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prague (CZ), July 2005.
A. Visioli, "Experimental evaluation of a Plug&Control strategy for level control", 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Prague (CZ), July 2005.
A. Visioli, "Model-based PID tuning for high-order processes: when to approximate", IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Sevilla (E), pp. 7127-7132, December 2005.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Combining H-infinity control and dynamic inversion for robust constrained set-point regulation", IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation, Paris-Cachan (F), pp. 209-214, April 2006.
G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, "An iterative learning control algorithm for contour tracking of unknown objects", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando (FL), pp. 3318-3323, May 2006.
G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Iterative learning control for hybrid force/velocity control", 37th International Symposium on Robotics, Munich (D), May 2006.
A. Visioli, F. Pasini, "A virtual laboratory for the learning of process controllers design", 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid (E), June 2006.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A toolbox for input-output system inversion", 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Madrid (E), June 2006.
G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, "A comparison between implicit and explicit hybrid control for contour tracking", 8th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Bologna (I), September 2006.
A. Visioli, A. Piazzi, "An automatic tuning method for cascade control system", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich (D), pp. 2968-2973, October 2006.
G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, N. Pedrocchi, "Automatic deburring of pieces of unknown shape and other force control applications", 38th International Symposium on Robotics, Chicago (IL), June 2007.
L. Consolini, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time feedforward control for industrial processes", European Control Conference, Kos (GR), pp. 5282-5287, July 2007.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "An iterative approach for noncausal feedforward tuning", American Control Conference, New York (NY), pp. 1251-1256, July 2007.
A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, "Iterative learning explicit hybrid force/velocity control for contour tracking", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Zurich (CH), September 2007.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "Using a Chebyshev technique for solving the generalized bang-bang control problem", IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans (LA), pp. 4743-4748, December 2007.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time feedforward plus PID control using a Chebyshev technique", IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans (LA), pp. 1795-1800, December 2007.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time feedforward plus PID control for MIMO systems", 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (ROK), pp. 12917-12922, July 2008.
S. Piccagli, T. van den Boom, A. Visioli, "Minimum-time control of a two-wheeled differentially driven vehicle in the presence of slip", 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (ROK), pp. 6786-6791, July 2008.
C. Carnevale, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "A methodology for integrated system identification, PID controller tuning and noncausal feedforward control design", 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (ROK), pp. 13324-13329, July 2008.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "A technique for abrupt load disturbance detection in process control systems", 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (ROK), pp. 14900-14905, July 2008.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Iterative feedforward tuning for residual vibration reduction", 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (ROK), pp. 11829-11834, July 2008.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "Using a Chebyshev approach for the minimum-time open-loop control of constrained MIMO systems", International Conference on Control 2008 (UKACC), Manchester (UK), September 2008.
C. Carnevale, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Noncausal open-loop control with combined system identification and PID controller tuning", International Conference on Control 2008 (UKACC), Manchester (UK), September 2008.
A. Visioli, Q.-C. Zhong, "Control of integral processes with dead time: practical issues and experimental results", International Conference on Control 2008 (UKACC), Manchester (UK), September 2008.
N. Pedrocchi, A. Visioli, G. Legnani, G. Ziliani, "On the elasticity in the dynamic decoupling of hybrid force/velocity control in the contour tracking task", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice (F), September 2008.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "A PID automatic tuning method for distributed-lag processes", International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), Istanbul (TR), July 2009.
M. Beschi, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "On the practical implementation of a noncausal feedforward technique for PID control", European Control Conference, Budapest (HU), pp. 1806-1811, August 2009.
J. Sanchez, M. A. Guarnes, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, "Comparative study of event-based control strategies: an experimental approach on a simple tank", European Control Conference, Budapest (HU), pp. 1973-1978, August 2009.
A. Di Fluri, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Feedforward/feedback control of a magnetic levitation apparatus", European Control Conference, Budapest (HU), pp. 4593-4598, August 2009.
P. Gervasio, S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "On the practical implementation of feedforward control signals given in polynomial form", IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Mallorca (E), September 2009.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, D. Colombo, "An efficient control for a domestic tumble dryer", IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Mallorca (E), September 2009.
O. Arrieta, A. Visioli, R. Vilanova, "Improved PID autotuning for balanced control operation", IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Mallorca (E), September 2009.
J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, "An event-based PID controller based on feedback and feedforward actions", 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Porto (P), pp. 1464-1469, November 2009.
E. Pisoni, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, "An interactive tool for fractional order PID controllers", 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Porto (P), pp. 1470-1475, November 2009.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, "Tuning of fractional PID controllers for integral processes", 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Badajoz (E), October 2010.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, "Set-point weighting for fractional PID controllers", 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Badajoz (E), October 2010.
S. Dormido, E. Pisoni, A. Visioli, "An interactive tool for loop-shaping design of fractional-order PID controllers", 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Badajoz (E), October 2010.
A. Visioli, M. Ammannito, M. Caselli, M. Incardona, "Optimization of a water for injection control system for a pharmaceutical plant", 8th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Ferrara (I), pp. 64-67, November 2010.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "An automatic tuning method for multiloop PID controllers", 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan (I), pp. 7517-7522, August-September 2011.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "Global minimum-variance PID control", 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan (I), pp. 7891-7896, August-September 2011.
M. Beschi, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, L. Yebra, "Control strategies for disturbance rejection in a solar furnace", 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan (I), pp. 12243-12248, August-September 2011.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, "PID tuning for minimum-time rest-to-rest transitions", 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan (I), pp. 5771-5776, August-September 2011.
F. Padula, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “H-infinity optimal interpolation for fractional first order plus dead time systems”, Symposium of Fractional Signals and Systems, Coimbra (P), 2011.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, "On the presence of equilibrium points in PI control systems with send-on-delta sampling", 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando (FL), pp. 7843-7848, 2011.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, "Design of an event-based feedforward strategy for SOPTD processes", 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando (FL), pp. 5431-5436, 2011.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Performance assessment and retuning of PID controllers for load disturbance rejection”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia (I), 2012.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Decentralised control of a quadruple tank with a decoupled event-based strategy”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia (I), 2012.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “On the stability of an event-based PI controller for FOPDT processes”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia (I), 2012.
S. Dormido, M. Beschi, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “An interactive software tool for the study of event-based PI controller”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia (I), 2012.
L. Consolini, G. Lini, A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, “Minimum-time rest-to-rest feedforward action for PID feedback MIMO systems”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia (I), 2012.
S. Piccagli, A. Visioli, “A feedforward plus decoupling control design for set-point following of TITO processes”, American Control Conference, Montreal (CDN), pp. 2374-2379, 2012.
M. Beschi, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, J. L. Guzman, L. J. Yebra, “A feedback linearization GPC control strategy for a solar furnace”, American Control Conference, Montreal (CDN), pp. 2244-2249, 2012.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “A new two degree-of-freedom event-based PI control strategy”, American Control Conference, Montreal (CDN), pp. 2362-2367, 2012.
F. Padula, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “H-infinity model matching design for fractional FOPDT systems”, American Control Conference, Montreal (CDN), pp. 5513-5518, 2012.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Tuning rules for event-based SSOD-PI controllers”, 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Barcelona (E), pp. 1073-1078, 2012.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, M. Pagnoni, “On the anti-windup schemes for fractional-order PID controllers”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Krakow (PL), 2012.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Analysis of the limit cycles in the PI control of IPD processes with send-on-delta sampling”, IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Dubrovnik (HR), pp. 1609-1614, 2012.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, L. Yebra, “Event-based PI plus feedforward control for a distributed solar collector field”, 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Copenhagen (DK), November 2012.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Optimal set-point regulation of fractional systems”, IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Grenoble (F), pp. 906-911, 2013.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Stability analysis of symmetric send-on-delta event-based control systems”, American Control Conference, Washington (DC), 2013.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Automatic feedforward tuning for PID control loops”, European Control Conference, Zurich (CH), 2013.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Inversion-based feedforward design for constrained fractional control systems”, European Control Conference, Zurich (CH), 2013.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, L. Yebra, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Experimental study of two event-based PI controllers in a solar distributed collector field”, European Control Conference, Zurich (CH), 2013.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “An approach for teaching automatic control in a laboratory of mechatronics”, IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Sheffield (UK), 2013.
J. Chacon, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Building process control simulations with Easy Java Simulations elements”, IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Sheffield (UK), 2013.
M. Beschi, A. Visioli, M. Berenguel, L. Roca, “A feedback linearization-based two-degree-of-freedom constrained controller strategy for a solar furnace”, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna (A), 2013.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “An automatic tuning procedure for an event-based PI controller”, 52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze (I), pp. 7437-7442, 2013.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Inversion-based set-point filter design for fractional control systems”, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Catania (I), 2014.
R. Leuzzi, P. Lino, G. Maione, S. Stasi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Combined fractional feedback-feedforward controller design for electrical drives”, International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Catania (I), 2014.
M. Beschi, A. Pawlowski, J. L. Guzman, M. Berenguel, A.Visioli, “Symmetryc send-on-delta PI control of a greenhouse system”, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town (ZA), 2014.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “Event-based PI controller with exponential thresholds”, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town (ZA), 2014.
J. Chacon, M. Beschi, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “An experimental framework to analyze limit cycles generated by event-based sampling”, 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town (ZA), 2014.
J. Chacon, M. Beschi, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Experimental analysis of a remote event-based PID controller in a flexible link system”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Barcelona (E), 2014.
D. Gorni, A. Visioli, “Practical issues in modelling the temperature for the control of smart buildings”, 11th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Berlin (D), 2014.
M. Beschi, S. Dormido, J. Sanchez, A. Visioli, “An event-based PI controller autotuning technique for integral processes”, First IEEE International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Krakow (PL), 2015.
H. S. Sanchez, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “Nash tuning for optimal balance of the servo/regulation operation in robust PID control”, 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Torremolinos (E), 2015.
J. Sáenz, J. Chacón, L. de la Torre, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “A virtual and remote lab of the two electric coupled drives system in the university network of interactive laboratories”, American Control Conference, Chicago (USA), 2015.
F. Padula, C. Ionescu, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, G. Vivacqua, “A gain-scheduled PID controller for propofol dosing in anesthesia”, 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Berlin (D), 2015.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, D. Facchinetti, A. Saleri, “A dynamic inversion approach for oscillation-free control of overhead cranes”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Luxembourg, 2015.
D. Gorni, M. Castilla, J. D. Alvarez, A. Visioli, “A comparison between temperature modelling strategies in smart buildings”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Luxembourg, 2015.
L. Simoni, M. Beschi, D. Colombo, A. Visioli, R. Adamini, “A Hardware-In-the-Loop setup for rapid control prototyping of mechatronic systems”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Luxembourg, 2015.
E. Guevara, H. Meneses, O. Arrieta, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, F. Padula, “Fractional order model identification: computational optimization”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Luxembourg, 2015.
O. Arrieta, L. A. Urvina Savelli, A. Visioli, R. Vilanova, F. Padula, “Servo/regulation intermediate tuning for fractional-order PID controllers”, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Sydney (AUS), 2015.
L. Simoni, M. Beschi, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, “Friction modelling with temperature effects for industrial robot manipulators”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg (D), 2015.
A. Ruiz, J. Jimenez-Hornero, M. L. Ruz, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, “Interactivity-based control education: Some experiences at the University of Cordoba”, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Brescia (I), 2015.
J. Chacón, G. Farias, H. Vargas Oyarzun, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Remote Interoperability Protocol: a bridge between interactive interfaces and engineering systems”, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Brescia (I), 2015.
M. Beschi, R. Adamini, A. Marini, A. Visioli, “Using of the Robotic Operating System for PID control education”, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Brescia (I), 2015.
L. Merigo, M. Beschi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “A new event generator for PIPlus control systems”, Second International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Krakow (PL), 2016.
G. Legnani, L. Simoni, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, “A new friction model for mechanical transmissions considering joint temperature”, Proceedings of ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Charlotte (USA), 2016.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, L. Molinari Tosatti, “A global approach to manipulability optimisation for a dual-arm manipulator”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Berlin (D), 2016.
D. Gorni, A. Visioli, “Optimal temperature set-point planning for residential buildings”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Berlin (D), 2016.
L. Simoni, M. Beschi, D. Colombo, A. Visioli, “Multi-frequency disturbance compensation in a plastic injection molding machine”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Berlin (D), 2016.
L. Merigo, M. Beschi, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Event based control of propofol and remifentanil coadministration during clinical anesthesia”, Third International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Funchal (P), 2017.
A. Pawlowski, L. Merigo, J. L. Guzmán, A. Visioli, S. Dormido, “Event-based GPC for depth of hypnosis in anesthesia for efficient use of propofol”, Third International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Funchal (P), 2017.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, “On the fragility of fractional-order PID controllers for IPDT processes”, 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Valletta (M), 2017.
R. Vilanova, V. Alfaro, A. Visioli, “Software tool for MoReRT design of 2DoF PI/PID controllers”, 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Valletta (M), 2017.
F. Padula, R. Adamini, G. Finzi, A. Visioli, “Revealing the hidden technology by means of an overhead crane”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Process parameters estimation, performance assessment and controller retuning based on the final value theorem: some extensions”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, L. Molinari Tosatti, A. Visioli, “A predictive approach to redundancy resolution for robot manipulators”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
L. Simoni, M. Beschi, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, “On the inclusion of temperature in the friction model of industrial robots”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
L. Merigo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, T. Mendonca, M. Paltenghi, P. Rocha, A. Visioli, “On the identification of the propofol PK/PD model using BIS measurements”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
D. Gorni, A. Visioli, “Gentic-based optimization of temperature set-point signals for buildings with unoccupied rooms”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
M. Veronesi, J. L. Guzman, A. Visioli, T. Hagglund, “Closed-loop tuning rules for feedforward compensator gains”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Tolouse (F), 2017.
R. Vilanova, V. Alfaro, A. Visioli, M. Barbu, “Considerations on the disturbance attenuation problem for PI/PID controllers for a generic load disturbance dynamics”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Limassol (CY), 2017.
L. Merigo, M. Beschi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “On the tuning of a PIDPlus control system with a noise-filtering event generator”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Limassol (CY), 2017.
M. Faroni, M. Beschi, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, “Fast MPC with staircase parametrization of the inputs: continuous input blocking”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Limassol (CY), 2017.
L. Simoni, E. Villagrossi, M. Beschi, A. Marini, N. Pedrocchi, L. Molinari Tosatti, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, “On the use of a temperature based friction model for a virtual force sensor in industrial robot manipulators”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Limassol (CY), 2017.
J. Sanchez, M. Guinaldo, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, “An improved relay-based identification approach based on asymmetric oscillations”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Optimized retuning of PID controllers for TITO processses”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
L. Merigo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, T. Mendonca, M. Paltenghi, P. Rocha, A. Visioli, “Optimized PID tuning for the automatic control of neuromuscular blockade”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
A. Pawlowski, L. Merigo, J. L. Guzmán, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, “Two-degree-of-freedom control scheme for depth-of-hypnosis in anesthesia”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
M. Giacomelli, D. Colombo, L. Simoni, G. Finzi, A. Visioli, “A fast autotuning method for velocity control of mechatronic systems”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
H. Meneses, E. Guevara, O. Arrieta, F. Padula, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “Improvement of the control system performance based on fractional-order PID controllers and models with robustness considerations”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
S. Ghidini, M. Beschi, N. Pedrocchi, A. Visioli, “Robust tuning rules for series elastic actuator PID cascade controllers”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Ghent (B), 2018.
Z. Guo, A. Medvedev, L. Merigo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Synthetic patient database of drug effect in general anesthesia for evaluation of estimation and control algorithms”, IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Stockholm (S), 2018.
M. Faroni, D. Gorni, A. Visioli, “Energy minimization in time-constrained robotic tasks via sequential quadratic programming”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Turin (I), 2018.
M. Giacomelli, M. Faroni, D. Gorni, A. Marini, L. Simoni, A. Visioli, “Model Predictive Control for operator-in-the-loop overhead cranes”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Turin (I), 2018.
M. Giacomelli, M. Faroni, D. Gorni, A. Marini, L. Simoni, A. Visioli, “MPC-PID control of operator-in-the-loop overhead cranes: a practical approach”, International Conference on Systems and Control, Valencia (E), 2018.
A. Tosi, L. Roca, J. D. Gil, A. Visioli, M. Berenguel, “Multivariable controller for stationary flat plate solar collectors”, International Conference on Systems and Control, Valencia (E), 2018.
E. Meneses, O. Arrieta, F. Padula, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “PI/PID control design based on a fractional-order model for the process”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Florianopolis (BR), 2019.
J. A. Rossiter, K. Zakova, M. Huba, A. Serbezov, A. Visioli, “On an IFAC online pilot survey for a first course on control”, 5th Experiment@ International Conference, Funchal (P), 2019.
L. Merigo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Optimized tuning of an IMC scheme for depth of hypnosis control”, European Control Conference, 2019.
E. Rodríguez Miranda, M. Beschi, J. L. Guzman, M. Berenguel, A. Visioli, “Application of a Symmetrical-Send-On-Delta event-based controller for a microalgal raceway reactor”, European Control Conference, 2019.
J. A. Rossiter, K. Zakova, M. Huba, A. Serbezov, A. Visioli, “A first course in feedback, dynamics and control: Preliminary findings of a survey for the IFAC community”, European Control Conference, 2019.
C. Carnevale, G. Finzi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “A simple mechatronic system for teaching control concepts to industrial automation students”, European Control Conference, 2019.
J. A. Rossiter, K. Zakova, M. Huba, A. Serbezov, A. Visioli, “A first course in feedback, dynamics and control: findings from an online pilot survey for the IFAC community”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Philadelphia (USA), 2019.
A. Radici, C. YangQuan, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “A laboratory setup for an introduction to fractional order systems”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Philadelphia (USA), 2019.
M. Cech, J. Konigsmarkova, M. Goubej, T. Oomen, A. Visioli, “Essential challenges in motion control education”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Philadelphia (USA), 2019.
T. Hagglund, A. Visioli, “Inversion-based feedforward actions in a ratio control system”, American Control Conference, 2019.
M. Giacomelli, D. Colombo, G. Finzi, V. Setka, L. Simoni, A. Visioli, “An autotuning procedure for motion control of oscillatory mechatronic systems”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Zaragoza (E), 2019.
M. Giacomelli, D. Colombo, G. Finzi, V. Setka, L. Simoni, A. Visioli, “A closed-loop automatic tuning method for velocity control of oscillatory mechatronic systems”, 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon (P), 2019.
M. Giacomelli, D. Colombo, M. Faroni, O. Schmidt, L. Simoni, A. Visioli, “Comparison of linear and nonlinear MPC on Operator-In-the-Loop overhead cranes”, 7th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Delft (NL), 2019.
C. Copot, M. Marchesi, A. Visioli, “An image-based path planning approach for a two arms cooperative robot”, 7th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Delft (NL), 2019.
R. Pagani, F. Padula, G. Legnani, R. Loxton, A. Visioli, “A fractional model of the friction-temperature behavior in robot joints”, 7th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, Delft (NL), 2019.
R. Vilanova, C. Pedret, M. Barbu, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, “Robustness issues in Event-Based PI control systems: Internal Model Control tuning”, 14th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, Bragança (P), 2020.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “On the selection of lambda in lambda tuning for PI(D) Controllers”, 21th IFAC World Congress, Berlin (D), 2020.
J. Sánchez, M. Guinaldo, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, “Validating continuous tuning rules for event-based PI control of lag-dominant processes”, 21th IFAC World Congress, Berlin (D), 2020.
M. Cech, M. Goubej, J. Sobota, A. Visioli, “Model-based system engineering in control education using HIL simulators”, 21th IFAC World Congress, Berlin (D), 2020.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, L. Merigo, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “First experiments of anesthesia control with optimized PID tuning”, 21th IFAC World Congress, Berlin (D), 2020.
J. A. Rossiter, K. Záková, M. Huba, A. Serbezov, A. Visioli, “A first course in feedback, dynamics and control: findings from 2019 online survey of the international control community”, 21th IFAC World Congress, Berlin (D), 2020.
A. Visioli, T. Hagglund, “Minimum-time feedforward control in ratio control systems”, 21th IFAC World Congress, Berlin (D), 2020.
M. Beschi, A. Visioli, “A simple technique to improve the set-point following performance of Predictive Functional Control”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Wien (A), 2020.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Individualized PID tuning for maintenance of general anesthesia with propofol”, IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, 2021.
M. Ghita, M. Neckebroek, D. Copot, M. Ghita, A. Visioli, C. Ionescu, “Perspectives on hybrid control of the anesthesia-hemodynamic system in the pandemic context”, 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Bari (I), pp. 409-414. 2021.
M. R. Calderon, J. Viola, Y. Chen, A. Visioli, “Digital twin technology for modeling, simulation and control of a mechatronic system”, ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, n. V007T07A002, 2021.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, “Improving lambda tuning of PI controllers for load disturbance rejection”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Vasteras (S), 2021.
A. Bortolotti, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, I Santin, R. Vilanova, “Comparison of different event-based control techniques in wastewater treatment plants”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Vasteras (S), 2021.
M. Schiavo, L. Consolini, M. Laurini, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Optimized reference signal for induction of general anesthesia with propofol”, 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Ghent (B), 2021.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, L. Merigo, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Optimized PID Controller for Propofol and Remifentanil Coadministration: Influence of Opioid-Hypnotic Balance”, 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Ghent (B), 2021.
M. Schiavo, L. Consolini, M. Laurini, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Optimized robust combined feedforward/feedback control of propofol for induction of hypnosis in general anesthesia”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Melbourne (AUS), 2021.
C. Copot, M. Marchesi, A. Visioli, “An image-based path planning approach for a two arm cooperative robot”, 25th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, Iasi (RO), 2021.
A. Serbezov, K. Zakova, A. Visioli, J. A. Rossiter, B. Douglas, J. Hedengren, “Open access resources to support the first course in feedback, dynamics and control”, IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Hamburg Bergedorf (D), 2022.
M. Ferrari, A. Visioli, “A software tool to understand the design of PIDA controllers”, IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Hamburg Bergedorf (D), 2022.
M. Beschi, C. Tonola, A. Visioli, “Teaching control courses online during the covid-19 pandemic: some experiences at the University of Brescia”, IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Hamburg Bergedorf (D), 2022.
M. Schiavo, F. Padula, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “On the practical use of a PID-based control scheme for automatic control of general anesthesia”, 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Trieste (I), 2022.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “MPC for propofol anesthesia: the noise issue”, 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Trieste (I), 2022.
M. Milanesi, E. Mirandola, A. Visioli, “A comparison between PID and PIDA controllers”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Stuttgart (D), 2022.
R. Fausti, M. Beschi, D. Colombo, A. Visioli, “Comparing repetitive control strategies in lift applications”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Stuttgart (D), 2022.
N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, C. Ionescu, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Eventbased PID control of anesthesia administration: effect on hemodynamic variables”, European Control Conference, Bucharest (RO), 2023.
L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek, M. Netto, A. Visioli, Q.-S. Jia, F.-Y. Wang, “Control challenges for social systems milestone session: current status and future vision”, 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama (J), 2023.
A. Visioli, “Control education: TC9.4 developments and vision”, 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama (J), 2023.
N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “On the use of the Eleveld PK/PD model for the design of PID control of anesthesia”, 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama (J), 2023.
O. Arrieta, H. Meneses Navarro, F. Padula, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “On the use of fractional-order PID controllers for MIMO processes”, 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama (J), 2023.
M. Ferrari, A. Visioli, “An educational interactive software tool to learn cascade control design”, 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama (J), 2023.
A. Visioli, J. Sanchez-Moreno, “Design of PIDA controllers for high-order integral processes”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Sinaia (RO), 2023.
R. Pagani, M. Beschi, D. Colombo, G. Facchini, A. Visioli, “An autotuning procedure for motion control systems: method and at-the-edge implementation”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Sinaia (RO), 2023.
A. Visioli, J. Sanchez-Moreno, “IMC-based tuning of PIDA controllers: a comparison with PID control”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
M. Veronesi, R. De Keyser, R. Vilanova, A. Visioli, “Estimation of a SOPDT process transfer function for PID tuning”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
A. Rossiter, S. Dormido, A. Visioli, R. Bars, “A MATLAB virtual laboratory to support learning of auto-tuning PID approaches”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “A PID-based structure for MISO approach to anaesthesia control problem”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
F. Campregher, M. Milanesi, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “Generalized Haalman tuning of PIDA controllers”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
M. Milanesi, N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “PIDA control of depth of hypnosis in total intravenous anesthesia”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
M. Schiavo, M. Garrido Satué, M. Beschi, A. Visioli, M. Arahal, “Robust FOPID Control of an after-cooler heat exchanger with TES”, IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Almeria (E), 2024.
M. Milanesi, A. Visioli, Y. Chen, “Performance comparison between PID, PIDD2 and PIDD2α”, 12th IFAC Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Bordeaux (F), 2024.
M. Milanesi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “On the implementation of gain scheduling in FOPID controllers”, 12th IFAC Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Bordeaux (F), 2024.
K. Lindup, F. Padula, M. Bertoni, N. Latronico, A. Visioli, “A model-based control algorithm for lung and diaphgram protective ventilation” 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Villingen-Schwenningen (D), 2024.
K. Lindup, J. G. Chase, C. Zhou, M. Bertoni, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Non-invasive patient breathing effort identification: a B-Spline and mixed integer solution” 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Villingen-Schwenningen (D), 2024.
M. Schiavo, N. Latronico, M. Paltenghi, A. Visioli, “Experimental results of an optimized PID controller for general anesthesia with adjustable opioid-hypnotic balance”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Villingen-Schwenningen (D), 2024.
M. Milanesi, N. Paolino, M. Schiavo, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Analysis of the performance achievable with a PIDD2α controller for depth-of-hypnosis in total intravenous anesthesia”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Villingen-Schwenningen (D), 2024.
M. Milanesi, L. Consolini, G. Di Credico, M. Laurini, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “A minimum time-to-target MPC approach for depth-of-hypnosis in total intravenous anesthesia”, 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Villingen-Schwenningen (D), 2024.
M. Schiavo, M. Beschi, M. Garrido Satué, M. Arahal, A. Visioli, “PIDA control of heat exchanger”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Padova (I), 2024.
S. Knorn, A. Visioli, C. Stoica, G. Lichtenberg, D. Varagnolo, H. S. Sánchez, D. Rotondo, J. L. Guzman, “Santa has everything under control: a control themed advent calendar”, Control Conference Africa, Balaclava (MS), 2024.
M. Ferrari, A. Visioli, “An interactive software tool to teach ratio control”, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Ghent (B), 2024.
S. Knorn, H. S. Sanchez, D. Rotondo, D. Varagnolo, J. L. Guzman, G. Lichtenberg, C. Stoica, A. Visioli, “Quantitative analysis of control-themed advent calendar questions based on the using-explaining taxonomy”, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Ghent (B), 2024.
S. Knorn, H. S. Sanchez, D. Rotondo, D. Varagnolo, J. L. Guzman, G. Lichtenberg, C. Stoica, A. Visioli, “Analysis of participants’ feedback on a control-themed advent calendar”, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, Ghent (B), 2024.
A. Pawlowski, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “Tuning of a predictive control scheme for intravenous anaesthesia exploring set of fixed ratios”, 19th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Salamanca (E), 2024.
G. Di Credico, L. Consolini, M. Laurini, M. Locatelli, M. Milanesi, M. Schiavo, A. Visioli, “A Branch and Bound method for the exact parameter identification of the PK/PD model for anesthetic drugs”, 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Milan (I), 2024.
Italian conferences
A. Visioli, G. Finzi, "Sintonia di controllori PID con logica fuzzy applicata al peso sul set-point" (in italian), Convegno Internazionale Automazione 1998, Milano (I), pp. 301-310, November 1998.
A. Visioli, G. Legnani, "Controllo di servomotori in corrente continua: stima e compensazione dell'attrito" (in italian), XIV Congresso Nazionale AIMeTA, Como (I), October 1999.
M. Veronesi, A. Visioli, "Controllo di processi industriali affetti da ritardo" (in italian), Convegno Internazionale Automazione e Processi Decisionali 2000, Milano (I), pp. 161-170, November 2000.
F. Jatta, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, G. Ziliani, "Controllo ibrido forza/velocità in presenza di elasticità concentrate" (in italian), Convegno Nazionale ANIPLA, Brescia (I), pp. 407-415, November 2003.
A. Visioli, "Valutazione della taratura di controllori PI per processi autoregolanti" (in italian), Convegno Nazionale ANIPLA, Milano (I), September 2004.
G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Sbavatura robotizzata di manufatti di forma incognita mediante controllo ibrido forza/velocità" (in italian), XVII Congresso Nazionale AIMeTA, Firenze (I), September 2005.
G. Ziliani, N. Pedrocchi, G. Legnani, A. Omodei, A. Visioli, "Iterative learning control per la contornatura di geometrie incognite con manipolatori industriali", XVII Congresso Nazionale AIMeTA, Firenze (I), September 2005.
G. Ziliani, G. Legnani, N. Pedrocchi, A. Visioli, "Progetto meccatronico per la sbavatura robotizzata di manufatti dalla geometria incognita" (in italian), Convegno Nazionale ANIPLA, Napoli (I), November 2005.
S. Ruggeri, A. Vertuan, G. Legnani, A. Visioli, "Kinetostatic calibration of a SCARA robot", XIX Congresso Nazionale AIMeTA, Ancona (I), September 2009.
F. Padula, A. Visioli, M. Pagani, “Implementazione di algoritmi di motion control avanzati su un setup industriale”, Convegno Motion Control 2013, Milano (I), November 2013.
D. Colombo, P. Grande, M. Beschi, F. Padula, A. Visioli, “Sviluppo di un sistema hardware-in-the-loop per la simulazione di sistemi meccanici complessi”, Convegno Motion Control 2013, Milano (I), November 2013.
Technical reports
A. Visioli, "Indagine bibliografica sulle metodologie di applicazione dei trasduttori ad ultrasuoni in campo robotico", DII-CE-WP007-96, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università degli Studi di Parma, 1996.
C. Borghetti, P. Duina, A. Visioli, "Robot forward dynamics identification based on dynamic recurrent neural networks", R.T. 2000-03-22, Dipartimento di Elettronica per l'Automazione, Università degli Studi di Brescia, 2000.
A. Piazzi, A. Visioli, "Set-point regulation of scalar systems via optimal dynamic inversion", TSC01-00, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università degli Studi di Parma, 2000.
A. Visioli, "Riconoscimento di superfici tramite apprendimento di riflessioni di ultrasuoni per la navigazione di robot mobili", Laurea thesis, University of Parma, 1995 (in italian).
A. Visioli, "Control strategies for industrial robot manipulators", PhD thesis, University of Brescia, 1999.